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Legler Systems Company was formed in 1972 by William S. Legler to
provide professional management information services to both private
industry and local governments. Legler Systems specializes in providing
a full range of data processing services to its clients with emphasis
on EDP consulting, system evaluation, application design, computer programming,
computer processing, business software installation support and training.
William Legler is a graduate of the University of California at Berkeley with a major in accounting. Prior to forming Legler Systems Company, William Legler was employed in various consulting and application software development positions in California with Touche Ross and Company (now Deloitte & Touche LLP) in San Francisco, Stanford L. Optner & Associates in Los Angeles and Southern Pacific Company (now Union Pacific) in San Francisco.
Late in 1979, Legler Systems purchased a large IBM Series/1 mini-computer running the EDX operating system with 9-track magnetic tape and hard drives for application software development, batch job processing and online teleprocessing service (24x7). Mr. Legler developed and wrote the EDXREF utility program, using the Event Driven Language (EDL), that was installed in over 100 companies. For over 15 years Legler Systems provided online teleprocessing support to Aircraft Technical Publishers (Brisbane, CA) for the AVCOM reporting service, a unique business application for small aircraft maintenance information where EDL computer programs automatically answered multiple telephone lines to receive online requests, process the requests and immediately output a report back to the remote user. Legler Systems provided batch job processing support for the Research Department at the Port of Oakland on import/export shipping data from the U.S. Census on 9-track magnetic tapes.
During the early 1980s Legler Systems developed online accounting software for the mini-computer environment including general ledger, accounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll, check reconciliation, order entry, fixed assets, inventory management, and mailing list. These independent accounting modules were menu driven for user-friendly operation and first written in the Event Driven Language before being rewritten in the standard ANSI COBOL language for easy program maintenance and future portability.
In the 1990s, Legler Systems enhanced and expanded the original IBM Series/1 accounting applications for the client-server environment using personal computers running any version of Microsoft Windows from Windows 3.1 to Windows 8 on a local area network (LAN) environment, as well as the UNIX platform. Many new productivity features were added, such as function key operation, full-screen support and online pop-up help windows to name a few. Various accounting modules were installed and operational at Siemons Mailing Service (Berkeley, CA) for over 25 years and Action Photo Service (Concord, CA) for over 20 years.
The original accounting software has been ported to the HP-3000 (MPE), RS-6000 (AIX) and various networked personal computers. Selected accounting applications have been installed on the HP-3000 computer using the MPE operating system at the Port of Oakland (Oakland, CA). This general-purpose online accounting software has been continuously enhanced and is still in use today. Refer to the Online Accounting Software Overview document for the latest features of this reasonably priced business software.
1. Programming - client-server Human Resource/Payroll software for Windows/UNIX using SQL, GUI and COBOL at InPower, Inc. in San Francisco, CA. Web development using HTML and JavaScript. Mainframe court case development using JCL and IBM COBOL language at S.F. Controller - E.D.P. (City Hall). Communications application for the retrieval of stock market transactions written in EDL for the IBM Series/1. Business software development for the personal computer using Micro Focus COBOL. Also, custom ANSI COBOL programming services are provided.
2. Design - prepare system requirements and application design specifications for automating business functions and operational procedures.
3. Evaluations - audit and technical review of online systems for the Superior Court in Orange Country, CA and Office of the County Clerk in San Joaquin County, CA.
4. Conversions - redesign and upgrade of business applications from one computer platform to another, including user training.
Legler Systems is an independent software consulting firm that provides personalized attention to the development of practical solutions to client information requirements. Legler Systems strives to exceed expectations. This online accounting software has been in day-to-day use at Legler Systems Company and other small businesses in the East Bay of Northern California for over 25 years.
To find out more about Legler Systems consulting, computer programming services and our business accounting software, e-mail Bill Legler in the San Francisco Bay Area, California, USA.