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EDXCPY - Disk and Tape Copy Program

The EDXCPY program copies a data file on disk or magnetic tape to another disk or tape. Records within a file can be reblocked. This utility program assists programmers in developing and maintaining applications written for the IBM Series/1 computer.

The EDXCPY program is written in the Event Driven Language (EDL) and runs under the EDX operating system associated with the IBM Series/1 computer.

The EDXCPY program supports the following operator commands:

  1. DD - Disk to disk
  2. DT - Disk to tape
  3. TD - Tape to disk
  4. TT - Tape to tape
  5. DK - Diskette to diskette
  6. EN - End EDXCPY program.
For each command, the program prompts the operator for the record size and block size of both the input and output files.

The EDXCPY utility program costs only $95 (US) plus shipping and handling ($25) and includes the EDL source code on 8" diskette.

For information on this program or EDX support and programming services,
e-mail Bill Legler
or go to the EDX Utility Programs Overview page.
Version 3.1 - Copyright 2001 by Legler Systems Company. All rights reserved.