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EDX Utility Programs Overview

In the 1980s Legler Systems Company designed, developed and marketed two utility programs specifically for the IBM Series/1 mini-computer to improve programmer productivity using the Event Driven Language (EDL).

IBM Series/1 EDX Software:

The EDXREF and EDXDMP utility programs are useful in maintaining existing source code and debugging EDL programs running under all versions of EDX operating system. These utility programs have been installed at over 100 customers throughout the country with most installations for the EDXREF program.

Later, the EDXCPY and EDXPC utility programs were developed to print the content of disk or tape records and to download text files to a personal computer connected to the IBM Series/1 mini-computer via the asynchronous communication feature 2091/2092 or Feature-Programmable Multiline feature 2095/2096.

These EDX utility programs are written in the EDL programming language for easy maintenance and portability. Both executable and source code are provided on 8" floppy diskette.

IBM Series/1 Computer Hardware:

During the product life cycle of the IBM Series/1 mini-computer, over 100,000 computers were sold worldwide by IBM representatives and business partners. Legler Systems Company in California had one of those IBM Series/1 computers (processor model 4955-F with 512K main storage) with two 9-track tape drives (4969), multiple 64 megabyte hard disk drives (4963), 8" diskette unit (4964), and I/O Expansion Unit (4959) for remote bi-sync and async communication attachment cards to support dial-up and leased telephone lines. A 300 lpm Printronix line printer was attached to the Series/1 for hard-copy output. All equipment was mounted in three 70" tall standard rack enclosures (4997) and used to provide the following computer services: (a) low cost batch job processing, (b) unattended remote computer processing and information retrieval, (c) file conversion (EBCDIC to ASCII), and (d) development of proprietary online accounting applications. The AVCOM remote teleprocessing application was up and running 23 hours every day (one hours was reserved for batch updating of online disk files) for over 15 years under the EDX operating system.

IBM Series/1 Programming:

Legler Systems provides systems analysis and design, custom EDL programming, software maintenance and application development for the IBM Series/1 computer on a contract basis.
Used Series/1 Computer Equipment and EDX manuals For Sale from Legler Systems Company.
For additional information on these EDX utility programs, IBM Series/1 equipment, and EDL programming services, e-mail Bill Legler in San Francisco Bay Area, California.
Revision 11.2024